Opt Out

Opting Out - Sactown Dentists

Opting Out of the Sactown Dentists Directory


Dentists who are not ready to claim their dental listing have another option. They can choose to opt out of the Sactown Dentists Directory. Through the contact page, dentists can submit their requests making sure to specify which listing they want to delete. Your practice's website and email domain will be evaluated by our team to ensure they match the listed profile.


Non-business domain email addresses, like [dentistname]11@gmail.com, are inadequate. A business domain email address must be provided. If not, additional validation steps will be taken.


The Sactown Dentists Directory team will notify you once your listing removal is complete upon proper identity validation.


Verification: Why It Matters


Verification is crucial for safeguarding the Sactown Dentists database against marketing firms and spammers utilizing negative SEO schemes against rivals.


Negative SEO - Sactown Dentists


Negative SEO: What Do I Need To Know?


Negative SEO, or Black Hat SEO, involves schemes like listing deletion or update requests to redirect traffic and harm competitors' search rankings.

A genuine, even unclaimed, Sactown Dentists profile can yield 5-10 inquiries monthly, increasing the chances of acquiring new patients. Gaining a new patient means one less for your competition.


A removal request seeks to shut down that online marketing avenue, thus reducing online traffic. This removal may lead potential patients to choose competitors since your dental practice has one less avenue to be found online.


The Sactown Dentists Directory, and numerous other professional directories, is managed by LOCALSYNC. They must be vigilant when addressing opt-out requests from non-business type [dentistname]11@gmail.com emails. Over 97% of requests from such "bogus" email addresses go quiet when additional validation questions are asked.


Updating Your Listing - Sactown Dentists


Updating a Listing: Do You Have to Claim It First?


While Sactown Dentists can delete your listing upon request, your website will benefit more from the backlinks created when a listing maintains a presence in industry-specific directories. It's these backlinks that contribute to better SEO and higher search rankings on Google. For this reason, paying a one-time fee to update your dental listing could be a better alternative to removal.


Go to the Turn-Key Dentistry Marketing page, and select "Upgrade My Profile Information" to request this update. Then, follow the provided instructions.


Any updates to a dental listing will still need to go through our verification process before being finalized. We will reach out to the email used during checkout. Your update request will be canceled, and the fee will be refunded if we cannot confirm your identity.


Building Your Listing - Sactown Dentists


Claim Your Profile: Then What?


You're all done. We will take the wheel from there. The Sactown Dentists team will create your dental profile, which is included with your annual marketing subscription.


Select your dentistry marketing subscription from the Turn-Key Dentistry Marketing page, submit your payment, and leave the rest to us. Our team may contact you if more information is needed.